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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Defend The Weak & The Fatherless...

Today's service at church was powerful.

Stella's Voice was there to talk about what they do.  If you are like me and have never heard of Stella's Voice, you can read more about them Here.

Here is an excerpt from their website:

Stella's Voice is the last cry that remains from an orphaned girl who was sold, used, and dead from AIDS by 19. There is no one in the entire world more vulnerable to sex trafficking than orphaned girls; no one knows or cares when they disappear into the night. And there is no country that fuels the engine of sex trafficking in all of Europe more than Moldova.

Stella's Voice provides a home for poverty-ridden girls in Moldova after they are aged out of the state-run orphanages at the young age of 16. The ministry also has the only Christian orphanage in the country, as well as a separate home for boys.

Stella's Voice is more than a cry for help and rescue. It is also a beacon of help and hope, making an eternal difference for desperate children.

Oh my goodness.  I could not stop the flow of tears that streamed down my face as I sat there.  There were a group of girls present who live at Stella's House in Moldova.  They are all orphans who's lives have been changed.  Some of them told their stories.  They also told stories of their friends who were not as fortunate as they were.  Stories of friends being sold into sex trafficking.  Heart-wrenching.  Unfathomable in my mind.

I posted this a few months ago and it sprang to mind as I sat there today:

God is changing my heart very slowly, I can see it.  I feel like I need to quit sitting here thinking about it and go do something.  Am I being moved to adopt?  No.  I'm pretty confident that's not it.  I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing but the more time that passes, the more confident that I am that I should do something. 

For now?  I'm just going to keep praying and asking God to show me what he wants me to do.

I feel like that something involves helping orphans.  I have no idea what it looks like but Mark and I have talked of little else today.  We need to do something, we just don't know what it is yet.  I cannot sit here in my comfortable, blessed life and do nothing while innocent children are sold into slavery for sex.

For now?  We'll be supporting Stella's Voice and we're going to keep praying and asking God if there is more that he wants us to do.

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