Disney 2016

Disney 2016

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Up To 8 Miles

Training for Donna is going right according to schedule.  I had an 8 mile run scheduled yesterday.  It was one of those absolutely perfect runs.  They don't happen all that frequently for me on my long runs but I held my 2:1 interval through the whole 8 miles without exception.  Even up the hills.  My pace was a bit faster than I've seen thus far in my training so that was encouraging also.  I have a ways to go when it comes to speed but I also have 14 weeks till the race to work on it.

I'm still going strong with my fitbit and myfitnesspal.  The scale moved a bit for me last week which was encouraging.  I won't say too much about the discouraging move that followed.  I have no idea how I can gain weight when I am burning thousands more calories than I am taking in each week.  I'm not giving up though.  The overall progress outweighs the minor setbacks and I am still motivated.  Thanksgiving is coming though and I am a bit nervous.  I don't want it to derail me but I also don't want to miss out on my favorite food holiday.

It feels so good to be back in a running groove.  I can tell such a difference in my attitude when I take the time to run and burn off some of my stress and frustration.

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Little Discouraged/A Little Encouraged

First off, I think I'm addicted to my Fitbit.  I LOVE it!  I check it frequently and it is fulfilling its purpose, it's motivating me to move more.  I feel like I never stop moving and yet I was amazed at how few steps I actually take on some days.  I'm always busy but that doesn't equate to moving and being active.  It has been an eye opener!

I'm a little discouraged with the numbers on the scale though.  I have been counting calories and tracking faithfully on My Fitness Pal.  I've also been making sure that I burn hundreds more calories each day than I eat.  In the last 10 days, I have burned 7000+ more calories than I have taken in yet the scale does not reflect that.  I'm only down .4 pounds.  Worth it?   I think it is.  I lost my original measurements when I cancelled my Weight Watchers account but I am losing inches.  That's the reason I'm still going.  Any progress is good.

I am encouraged with the progress I am making with my runs.  I had a solid 7 miles on Friday.  It's amazing how allowing a small amount of carbs back in my diet helped with my fueling issues.  I also had a speedy couple miles on Sunday that encouraged me even more.  I ran the entire time (no walk breaks) and my average pace was as fast as I've seen since I started running regularly again.  I feel like I'm getting back in the running groove and it makes me smile.

Shirt from my5k262.com